I got back to Blogrolling after found its launhing had been delayed on last March 2, 2009. Yes, Blogrolling 2.0 is alive now.
But, it was not as complete as former Blogrolling. There is no tool to ad Blogroll It button to be dragged to my browser toolbar. I do not know whether old Blogroll It button works with Blogrolling 2.0 or not. I have loss Blogroll It button becauise I ever completely uninstalled firefox from my PC. Everything was wiped, including Blogroll It button. I never back my browser configuration up.
Disregard to the nonexistence of Blogroll It button code to be dragged, I welcome back Blogrolling. I am staisfied with your service. But, for this time forward untill … (I don’t know when), I will still be a free user. It is OK for me if you would show ads on my blogroll. You have right to do that to support yourself providing free service for free users like me.
Untuk yang pernah minta tukeran link dan belum Kang Kombor tambahkan sehubungan dengan diperbaikinya Blogrolling beberapa waktu lalu. Please let me know again. Kang Kombor lupa permintaan itu ada di posting yang mana saja. Ada sih ketemu beberapa tapi sepertinya ada juga yang belum ketemu.
udah aktive lagi ya kang, coba liat dulu masih ada gak link yang lama.
BalasHapusmau ngga yah, tukeranlink ama blog aq yg ele ini..., :-(
BalasHapusMumpang lewat...
BalasHapusSudah ditambahkan ke Blogroll.
BalasHapussalam kenal dulu kang kombor
BalasHapusbyme gwa
kunjungi balek yah
Nice info. Thanks for sharing.